Anyone that really knows me, knows exactly how I feel about domestic violence. It is such a huge problem in our communities. It is very hurtful to the people involved as well as any children that may be witnesses to those acts. Let's build more loving households for our children to grow up in. They learn from the things they experience, so let's teach them how to love!!!
This is a blog post by NewsChannel 7's Tom Crabtree and he was nice enough to let me share it with all of you. Thank Tom!!!
The Toll of SC's Domestic Violence Grows
by Tom Crabtree
The news business gives me a front seat to what's happening in the world, especially the Carolinas.
Last night I saw the horrific toll of domestic violence, one of South Carolina's biggest blights.
In Union County, a man goes to the convenience store where his girlfriend works and shoots her. Somehow, despite being wounded four times, the woman survives. The man steps outside the store, refuses to drop his gun, and a SWAT officer fatally wounds him.
A short time later, two lives are lost in Laurens County. Authorities say a man shoots and kills the mother of his three children as she sits in a car at the plant where she worked. The man is accused of then shooting and killing a deputy. The suspect is now hospitalized after being wounded by officers.
Three lives lost.
The root cause: domestic violence.
The web site of the South Carolina Attorney General's Office says, each year, more than 36,000 victims report a domestic violence incident to a SC law enforcement agency.
According to the SCAG, the state averages 33 women killed per year by their intimate partner.
The SCAG describes domestic violence in South Carolina as a "crisis."
The Palmetto State ranks ninth in the number of women killed by men.
The problem's causes are many. Experts cite past violence or aggression, being a victim of violence as a child, drug or alcohol use, a stressful life event such as being unemployed.
Of immediate concern is the safety of victims and potential victims.
If you are caught up in an actual or developing domestic violence situation, please don't let it continue even one more day. There are steps you can take.
First, l recommend the following link for the South Carolina Victim Assistance Network:
http://www.scvan.org/domestic_violence_qa.html#a. This site answers many questions of vital concern to domestic violence victims, including how to put together a plan to get away from your dangerous situation.
Http://www.scag.gov/criminal-domestic-violence-in-south-carolina has information about the programs of the S.C. Attorney General to fight domestic violence.
And keep this number: 1-800-799-SAFE (1-800-799-7233). It's the number of the National Domestic Violence Hotline.
9-1-1 is at your disposal too.
If you need help, don't hesitate to ask for it.
Use these resources to protect yourself and loved ones.
Here is the link to his blog post.
Ladies and gentlemen, please utilize these resources. Let's take a stand against domestic violence right now. Let it be known that you're not going to take it anymore and take the proper actions to receive the help you need to remove yourself for that situation and get the other party the rehabilitative help they need to make them better. We are losing far too many people to this disease. Love is so necessary!!!
-Don Savant