Friday, November 27, 2009

A Word From Don

I have a message to share. In this life, we get caught up in things we shouldn't. We try to take situations into our own hands when we already know we shouldn't. We go through our lives trying to impress others only to find out that he, she, they, or them, has been talking about you behind your back all along. Then we get discounraged and wonder where we went wrong. That discouragement then turns to anger, and before you know it, we adopt a me against the world attitude that does nothing but make our situations even worse.

The only person in the world that we have to prove anything to or impress is God. As long as we are doing what we're supposed to do, which includes being a blessing to others, it shouldn't matter who likes you or who doesn't. It shouldn't matter who's talking about you and what they are saying because you are a child of God and anyone that is speaking against you is also speaking against Him that created you and he will in turn deal with that or those individuals in His way. Retaliation is not yours to have. The Lord said Vengeance is Mine. Your blessings are measured in part by how much of a blessing you are to others, and if you're constantly falling into a battles with other human beings that you are not supposed to be fighting, you hinder yourself from being able to freely walk through those doors of opportunity when they are opened before you.

Life is full of surprises, it is full of setbacks, it is full of joy, and it encompasses every emotion available to man. However, the bottom half of those emotions were not meant to be displayed past the moment. Do encouraging things, read encouraging words, learn encouraging practices, prainse and encouraging God, and take everything that has encouraged you and pass it down to others because you never know who or how many around you, be they friend, family, or stranger, may need their blessing in that moment.

Thank you and God Bless.

-Don Savant

Thursday, November 26, 2009


I've never delved into the true meaning of history behind Thanksgiving. I really have interest in doing so. Not really from a selfish-minded standpoint, but from the knowledge of the bits and pieces that I found disturbing. I feel that, if I heard every detail, then I may never look at it the same again.

I grew up with Thanksgiving as a time of fellowship. I time to break bread with family that you only saw every once in a while either at passing, or when another family member passed away. As a perk of seeing the ones you love, you get to eat some of the finest foold out there whether you have a traditional meal, or start a tradition of your own.

The foundation for a good thanksgiving meal is turkey, macaroni and cheese, sweet potato pie, and dressing. As long as you have those, you're good to go. Our family usually add potato salad, and turnip greens to the mix. This year we stepped it up a notch with a brocolli casserole, and a green bean casserole. I've always been the dessert guy. I bring the sweets to the table. I toned it down a bit this year with only an egg custard, and a honey bun cake (my mother's two favorites).

I've always been very family oriented, and there's nothing better to me than a family in harmony. You can have all the differences in the world, but once the tables are set, the plates are fixed, and the blessing is said, all problems cease as we get lost in that meal.

I have a lot to be grateful for. Despite the things I've been through in my life, I'm grateful for the chance I've been giving to learn, and to draw strength from my trials. I'm thankful for being allowed to live my dream of being a published author, and double proud that my second book in the same number of years is about to be released next month. I call it an early Christmas gift, especially since it will be released 3 days before it. A lot of people, some that I know and other tht I don't have purchased my first book and all feedback has been positive. Of course, there are some who instead of wanting or trying to support you, will try theit best to discredit you and whatever strides you may be making but, I've learned that you can't let those situations blind your path. Everything you do must be done to elevate yourself, to allow you to continue to move forward. It took a lot for me to learn that. It took a lot for me to let go of things and just live. Being grateful is a big part of that.

We should not only make a note of things that we are grateful for on this day, but we should also carry those things and continuously say thank you each day forward. True thanksgiving is a 24-7 event. The bible even says Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name. To be thankful to me, for not just the good things, but also for the bad, uncertain, and in between, is one of the biggest components in becoming whole, or, coming into your destiny as a child of God. I believe that our relationship with Him is important. I believe that if we lean on Him, speak our minds to Him, and listen with all your might, that we will always be led in the right direction.

I'm tnakful today, this day, every day, for life, for love, for family, and for God, because if it were not for Him, John Keenan or Don Savant would not truly exist. Thank You.

God Bless you all.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Don Savant Quote

“Why did I choose love? Because I am love and in order to be love, you must know love. In order to know love you must accept love and, from the moment you accept love, He will show you how to give it unconditionally.”

Monday, November 9, 2009

Another Quote From Don

It's time to stop doing what people expect you to do, and start doing what God created you to do. We all have a purpose.

Poem Snippet

Constantly I think about you
staring at the walls
with a blank expression that's
broken only by a smile

I should be doing something constructive
what we've built together
has me
with how nicely our lives together
has been
personally landscaped
by the mighty hands of God

To say I love you
is simply not saying enough
You are the one

to be continued...

Matter of the Heart

The heart is a renewable resource. It may be broken but if you allow yourself time to heal, to reflect, and to learn, you will love again, and this time...just may be it. But you'll never know if you continue to carry the past into your present and cause your future to be non-existent.

From Don

No matter how much you learn, if humility isn't in the mix, then you haven't truly learned anything at all.

A Word From Don

A new day has now settled in and I thank God for it. Now, I have a choice. I can either, make the best of this day, or let this day get the best of me. I must choose wisely.

Don Savant Quote

Protect your ideas...keep them close to your heart. Plan your strategy well, and proceed into your destiny.

Don Savant Quote

Love was made to be better than good enough but most of the time, we settle anyway. Never be afraid to stand for what you want. If you do that, it's proof that you reeally deserve it.

Don Savant Quote

My life's savings resides within my notebooks, because I've always thought it was wise to invest in self.

The Lyrics of My Soul

a collection of poetry by Don Savant.

Available 12.21.09

Stay tuned!!!

The Message

When we receive a good word, that's only part of the equation that leads up to and brings about change. We can listen all day, clap our hands, stomp our feet, laugh, cry and shout..but if we're really not hearing what's being said, if we're not letting it soak into our souls, if we're not applying it, we might as well have not been told because we learned nothing. Don't let Sunday's message get lost on Monday.