Saturday, December 19, 2009

Don't Wait Until The New Year Comes...Make Your Change Now!!!

Right now is the time ladies and gentlemen....We are on the heels of a new year..but, we are also at the dawn of a new day. Don't wait until 2010 to claim your blessings..Give God some RIGHT NOW praise...Thank Him now for your blessings. Claim your future as if it's your present. Don't go... into 2010 still looking for a change...go into it already changed!!!! God Bless you all.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Book Sale!!!! Offer Ends Sunday!!!

I have a special deal for you. Don Savant's Book of Poems, Sonnets and Vows for Relationships and Weddings can be your from now until Sunday for $10.00. Order from me and I'll ship it to you. Also, you can get a copy of The Lyrics of My Soul (12.21.09 release date) for $15.00. Remember, this offer expires on Sunday!!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Precious Moments

The best conversation you can have with your mate is one where no words are spoken, yet, there is complete solidarity in the understanding you share within the silence.

Friday, November 27, 2009

A Word From Don

I have a message to share. In this life, we get caught up in things we shouldn't. We try to take situations into our own hands when we already know we shouldn't. We go through our lives trying to impress others only to find out that he, she, they, or them, has been talking about you behind your back all along. Then we get discounraged and wonder where we went wrong. That discouragement then turns to anger, and before you know it, we adopt a me against the world attitude that does nothing but make our situations even worse.

The only person in the world that we have to prove anything to or impress is God. As long as we are doing what we're supposed to do, which includes being a blessing to others, it shouldn't matter who likes you or who doesn't. It shouldn't matter who's talking about you and what they are saying because you are a child of God and anyone that is speaking against you is also speaking against Him that created you and he will in turn deal with that or those individuals in His way. Retaliation is not yours to have. The Lord said Vengeance is Mine. Your blessings are measured in part by how much of a blessing you are to others, and if you're constantly falling into a battles with other human beings that you are not supposed to be fighting, you hinder yourself from being able to freely walk through those doors of opportunity when they are opened before you.

Life is full of surprises, it is full of setbacks, it is full of joy, and it encompasses every emotion available to man. However, the bottom half of those emotions were not meant to be displayed past the moment. Do encouraging things, read encouraging words, learn encouraging practices, prainse and encouraging God, and take everything that has encouraged you and pass it down to others because you never know who or how many around you, be they friend, family, or stranger, may need their blessing in that moment.

Thank you and God Bless.

-Don Savant

Thursday, November 26, 2009


I've never delved into the true meaning of history behind Thanksgiving. I really have interest in doing so. Not really from a selfish-minded standpoint, but from the knowledge of the bits and pieces that I found disturbing. I feel that, if I heard every detail, then I may never look at it the same again.

I grew up with Thanksgiving as a time of fellowship. I time to break bread with family that you only saw every once in a while either at passing, or when another family member passed away. As a perk of seeing the ones you love, you get to eat some of the finest foold out there whether you have a traditional meal, or start a tradition of your own.

The foundation for a good thanksgiving meal is turkey, macaroni and cheese, sweet potato pie, and dressing. As long as you have those, you're good to go. Our family usually add potato salad, and turnip greens to the mix. This year we stepped it up a notch with a brocolli casserole, and a green bean casserole. I've always been the dessert guy. I bring the sweets to the table. I toned it down a bit this year with only an egg custard, and a honey bun cake (my mother's two favorites).

I've always been very family oriented, and there's nothing better to me than a family in harmony. You can have all the differences in the world, but once the tables are set, the plates are fixed, and the blessing is said, all problems cease as we get lost in that meal.

I have a lot to be grateful for. Despite the things I've been through in my life, I'm grateful for the chance I've been giving to learn, and to draw strength from my trials. I'm thankful for being allowed to live my dream of being a published author, and double proud that my second book in the same number of years is about to be released next month. I call it an early Christmas gift, especially since it will be released 3 days before it. A lot of people, some that I know and other tht I don't have purchased my first book and all feedback has been positive. Of course, there are some who instead of wanting or trying to support you, will try theit best to discredit you and whatever strides you may be making but, I've learned that you can't let those situations blind your path. Everything you do must be done to elevate yourself, to allow you to continue to move forward. It took a lot for me to learn that. It took a lot for me to let go of things and just live. Being grateful is a big part of that.

We should not only make a note of things that we are grateful for on this day, but we should also carry those things and continuously say thank you each day forward. True thanksgiving is a 24-7 event. The bible even says Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name. To be thankful to me, for not just the good things, but also for the bad, uncertain, and in between, is one of the biggest components in becoming whole, or, coming into your destiny as a child of God. I believe that our relationship with Him is important. I believe that if we lean on Him, speak our minds to Him, and listen with all your might, that we will always be led in the right direction.

I'm tnakful today, this day, every day, for life, for love, for family, and for God, because if it were not for Him, John Keenan or Don Savant would not truly exist. Thank You.

God Bless you all.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Don Savant Quote

“Why did I choose love? Because I am love and in order to be love, you must know love. In order to know love you must accept love and, from the moment you accept love, He will show you how to give it unconditionally.”

Monday, November 9, 2009

Another Quote From Don

It's time to stop doing what people expect you to do, and start doing what God created you to do. We all have a purpose.

Poem Snippet

Constantly I think about you
staring at the walls
with a blank expression that's
broken only by a smile

I should be doing something constructive
what we've built together
has me
with how nicely our lives together
has been
personally landscaped
by the mighty hands of God

To say I love you
is simply not saying enough
You are the one

to be continued...

Matter of the Heart

The heart is a renewable resource. It may be broken but if you allow yourself time to heal, to reflect, and to learn, you will love again, and this time...just may be it. But you'll never know if you continue to carry the past into your present and cause your future to be non-existent.

From Don

No matter how much you learn, if humility isn't in the mix, then you haven't truly learned anything at all.

A Word From Don

A new day has now settled in and I thank God for it. Now, I have a choice. I can either, make the best of this day, or let this day get the best of me. I must choose wisely.

Don Savant Quote

Protect your ideas...keep them close to your heart. Plan your strategy well, and proceed into your destiny.

Don Savant Quote

Love was made to be better than good enough but most of the time, we settle anyway. Never be afraid to stand for what you want. If you do that, it's proof that you reeally deserve it.

Don Savant Quote

My life's savings resides within my notebooks, because I've always thought it was wise to invest in self.

The Lyrics of My Soul

a collection of poetry by Don Savant.

Available 12.21.09

Stay tuned!!!

The Message

When we receive a good word, that's only part of the equation that leads up to and brings about change. We can listen all day, clap our hands, stomp our feet, laugh, cry and shout..but if we're really not hearing what's being said, if we're not letting it soak into our souls, if we're not applying it, we might as well have not been told because we learned nothing. Don't let Sunday's message get lost on Monday.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Have you ever seen a rich man with poor friends?

Words of WisDon (Wisdom)

The music of my life key at a time.. One note represents a syllable and each chord...a thought...It's common that I may hit a bad note from time to time, but it'll never be the same note twice, as I learn while my song is being played. - Don Savant


If you ever expect a positive outlook, there is never room for negative intake. - Don Savant

When It's Time To Grow Up.

Everyone on this earth has to grow up at some point in their lives. Some people choose not to but others, when they come to that realization will do anything to ensure that their growth process ensues.

When this realization come, it is laced with consequences. There are some things that you have to give up in order to press forward, some people you have to let go of, some habits that absolutely have to be broken, and in most cases, you must agree within yourself to do things that you either don't want to or never had any intention of doing.

Before all of this can take place, you have to first want to and be willing to change in order to achieve your goals. Even before that, you must have dreams, and those dreams must represent the goals that you want to set and the life that you'd like to live. Once all that is in place, and you believe with all your heart that this can be done, that your faith is in tact and you've researched every aspect of what you're doing, it's time to make it happen.

Along the way, you'll have doubts, you'll have doubters. You'll have people that will stand behind you and wish you nothing but blessings along the way, and then you'll have those that will tell you that you're going to fail and even go as far as to wish failure upon you. If you're weak in the mind, the latter represents the voice you will hear the loudest. Especially when things aren't going as well as expected or aren't happening as quickly as you'd hoped. You cannot fall prey to that voice, but you can continue to pray, and do so, not asking for guidances through it all but to thank Him for it already coming to pass. If you speak it into existence, and believe that it exists without a doubt, it will certainly come to pass.

There is absolutely nothing that your mind can conjure up that impossible to achieve. All we have to do is grow up, and want something different for ourselves, and to never give up on what we're destined to be.

Let's get it people...let's go out and get everything we've ever wanted.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Rant...Short and Sweet.

People don't want their kids to watch and listen to Obama speak to them about the importance of education yet, they sit and let them stay glued to the television when The Simpsons, Family Guy, King of the Hill, etc comes on? Way to go America.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Be Encouraged.

Sometimes it rains in our lives and the things we'd hoped to accomplished slip through the cracks. Some people see this as the time to be frustrated, and to give up on your dreams. In actuality, that rain could be your blessing beginning to shower you and to move in your life. If you ever want anything that will carry value, you've got to work for it. It won't be easy but it's not impossible. Those low moments are the ones that are designed to give us the most hope, the most determination and drive to more forward with what we're doing. After it rains...guess what comes? Sunshine. Hard times are what testimonies are made of and it's up to us to keep our faith long enough to have our own personal one. It's easy to say thank you Lord when things are going your way but if you say it before you go through, while you're going through and after you've been through, you'll find that you'll appreciate your journey a lot more. Keep your head skyward and your spirits lifted and he will carry you.

-Don Savant


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

More Encouragement

Make Your Dreams Reality

The Optimist's Creed

I Promise Myself

To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.
To make all your friends feel that there is something in them.
To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.
To think only of the best, to work only for the best
and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of
others as I am about my own.
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the
greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful expression at all times and give a smile
to every living creature I meet.
To give so much time to improving myself that I
have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear,
and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.
To think well of myself and to proclaim this fact to the world,
not in loud words, but in great deeds.
I live in the faith that the whole world is on my side,
so long as I am true to the best that is in me.

Written in 1912 by Christian D. Larson

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Michael...R.I.P.

The lyrics to MJ's Gone Too Soon ring true today as the world both remembers and celebrates his birthday. The tragedy of his life was, that his talent could never truly speak loud enough for people to just sit back and listen instead of talking and gossiping, ridiculing, and accusing. Mike entertained the world in more ways that any performer I've ever seen. When he sang, I sang along, when he danced, I watched closely, and when he spoke, I listened attentively. He commanded your attention with everything that he did.

There is now a void in the world, in the entertainment field. It wasn't often that you heard any new Michael, but his every effort was so timeless that it carried you through until that new release finally surfaced. Even then, you could still go back and play the old classics along with the new ones. Everything he touched was platinum status and beyond. I've heard people ask, who will be the next Mike Jackson? My answer to that is, there will never be. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family, his friends, his children, and his true fans. You will forever be alive, simply because you left so much of yourself with us, embedded in your music, your videos, your films. Your legacy will continue forever through song and dance, through imitation and innovation but rest assured, you're just another part of us, that can never be duplicated.

Happy Birthday and R.I.P. Mr. Moonwalker.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Something To Think About...

What happened to our leaders?

Will we ever see another Malcolm X or MLK, jr? What about another Rosa Parks? We still have Jesse and Al but, have they lost their touch? Have they forgotten the true essence of the civil rights movement? I believe they still do great things but, couldn't, no, shouldn't we all do more? We should all do more to make sure that the dreams of our formers(and current) leaders don't fall to the wayside. The things that we see in the world, on the news, in the papers everyday should be thoughts and action of the past. It's crazy to me that we still have the color and creed barrier. Why can't we just love and respect each other simply for the sake of doing so? Something's gotta give.

Be Blessed.

Tax Free Weekend...Yay!!!

Hopefully, the sarcasm in my title was evident. I can't begin to tell you how much I despise tax free weekend in SC. Don't get me wrong, I'm for anything that helps anyone save money but...if you're not buying huge amounts or big ticket items, where's the savings? I believe that the best thing to do for any back to school shopping, especially to avoid the huge crowds is to keep an eye on sales weeks prior to tax free weekend. Especially on things like, pens and pencils, notebooks, highlighters, etc. You never know, that 75 cent notebook thats you're saving 6% sales tax on could have been on sale for 55 cents a week or two prior, which ends up being less than 75 cents even with sales tax. The only thing I would even consider wasting my energy on would be a computer. For all else, give me a less busy store with a parking lot that I can find a space in, shorter lines, and decent prices. For all those scrambling out to save those pennies, good luck and God speed to you. While you're shopping, be nice to those at the stores that are there to assist you. As a consumer, you can't imagine how stressful this weekend can be.

Y'all be blessed.

Monday, August 3, 2009

The State of Hip Hop

Almost on a daily basis for what seems like an eternity we've heard the phrase "Hip Hop is Dead" in many ways and forms. While listening to some of today's new releases, I almost jumped on that bandwagon myself. I have a newsflash though. Hip hop is not now, nor will it ever be dead. I just think that it's stuck on stupid, in a loop that no one is willing to put an end to.

I've never been against anyone making money and creating a better life for themselves but, even I have to admit that some of the music from these little one hit wonder pop up out of nowhere groups is just plain dumb and promotes ignorance and illiteracy. I'm from the old school and, we had our moments with dance rap. I mean, we had the humpty dance, the butterfly, the tootsie roll, and others that were not only a dance sequence in themselves, but also had songs to go along with them. The only difference though between that and today is that almost every song that comes out now is that. Back then, there was a variety, so, if you didn't want to hear the upbeat dance related stuff, you have a plethora of other artists still dropping music constantly that fit whatever you need was at any particular time. Right now, all you have to choose between is something with a dance or trap music. There is no balance in hip hop.

Hip hop began with up tempo tracks, pop-lockers, and break dancers but, even with that in mind, the lyrics were still about their pains, and struggles, it's was still conscious music, it had a message. Let's compare some lyrics....Planet Rock vs. The Stanky Leg.

Just start to chase your dreams
Up out your seats, make
your body sway
Socialize, get down, let your soul lead the way
Shake it now, go ladies, it's a livin' dream
Love Life Live
Come play the
game , our world is free
Do what you want but scream

We know a place where the nights are hot
It is a house of funk
Females and males
Both headed all for the

The D.J. plays your favorite blasts
Takes you back to the past, music's magic (poof)
Bump bump bump get bump with some flash, people

The above is from Planet Rock, and yes they are talking about partying and dancing but look at the message, telling people to socialize and to chase their dreams, so there definitely was a message in the midst of everything else, at least in my opinion. Next song.

When I hit da dance floor,
You know I'm doin' da stanky leg!
Sauce on my ring and then ya rub it across ya head!
You a ace boon coon chick, you can do it too
Snap ya fingers in the air and shake yo micros too!
Now you can lean wit it, and you can drop wit it!
You can switch the other leg and you can stop wit it!
Now get it, get it(x4)
Now hit da booty doo, hit da booty do(x2)
Now you can get wit it, gon get wit it(x2)

Now, let's be honest, do I even have to comment?

Club songs are a necessary part of the hip hop culture, hence the popularity of Luke and the 2 Live Crew, the 69 Boyz, SoSoDef Bass All Stars, etc from back in the day but to me, when every single song that comes on the radio is a club/dance track, then there's definitely a problem in the world of hip hop.

The bottom line is, hip hop is far from dead, but it's in definite need of balance.

-Don Savant

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Something To Think About

If life required you to have a user name and password with only 3 attempts to retrieve the information if lost, how many of you would lose yourselves?

Dear Blog

I know it's been a while, but I haven't forgotten you. As a matter of fact, I've been thinking of coming to you to seek refuge, just as I did when you were just another page in my notebook. At this moment in my life, I feel I need you and I'm glad that you're still here for me. Life has been overwhelming but not in a completely negative sense. With everything that I'm trying to accomplish, my plate stays full. I'm grateful for everything that I'm going through and I know that one day soon I'll be looking down from a mountain top just to appreciate what I've been through to be where I am.

Don Savant

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Michael Jackson

People say all this time that they grew up listening to Michael Jackson. I can remember spending countless hours in my uncle's room at my grandmother's as a child listening to, singing along with, and attempting to dance just like Michael. I was four years old when the Off The Wall album was released and there was always something about his music from beginning to end that always inspired me. He was an entertainer completely and thoroughly. Some of his music made you laugh, some made you cry, then there were those songs that made you sit up, stand up, pay attention, take a deeper look at yourself and try to do better. No matter what he did, you could always feel it. It was always sad to me how the media repeatedly tried to bring him down over the years. I'm still saddened and shock by the loss of this man, a worldwide icon, and will be sure to share his work with my nieces and nephews, and someday, my own kids. He was truly, the greatest of all time. He will continue to inspire and influence individuals all over but, there will never be anyone else like him.


Monday, June 22, 2009

Randomness IV

i've been staring into your eyes for what seems to have been an stomach is doing jumping jacks, cutting flips, the whole nine because of the anticipation of what's about to happen. As i lean closer towards you in an attempt to steal our first kiss I realize that, this could be it..the moment that God has trained me for, the moment that I finally receive my queen...As our lips get within a centimeter's reach from each other, I can feel electricity pulsating throughout me that moment I...and then you...and then with eyes closed...I feel your kiss forehead...

Randomness III

for many years, as I've walked life's path, there have only been two sets of footprints accounted for. it seems strange now that as i look back, i see three sets and i look to my side and see you there. i can't help but smile knowing what that God has brought me full circle by blessing you with me. i now pray that our footprints are never washed away as we leave our imprint on the world...

Randomness II

-our paths have crossed once again but, i can't be as enthusiastic as the first time simply because the last time ended on such a low note. is this supposed to be a new beginning or a reminder of where not to go on my next time out. i truly miss the high notes we used to hit together but i'm afraid that if i try you again, those notes will only be falsetto. how long would we be fooling ourselves this time around? i love you, but i love myself enough to not willingly bring pain into my existence once again...

-Don Savant


Your voice is so sweet it's like music to my ears, making me with I had you in my headphones at all divine as I climb to the top of your favorite persons list..I wish..I could wrap you up an seal it with a kiss. MUAH!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!!!

Father's Day
Just because you're a daddy, doesn't mean you deserve the honor that is Father's Day. That's something that must be earned through your actions. There are good men out there that aren't taking responsibility for what they've helped create. On the other hand, there are those that aren't given the credit that they deserve, or are afraid to let it be know that they are doing the right thing because of who they surround themselves with. A lot of people think that daddy and father are one and the same. That couldn't be further from the truth. Daddies are cool to have, especially when they are around but, a father is that man, that pure definition of what a male with children, whether they are paternal or not, is supposed to be.
A father supports his children without being forced to. He doesn't do what he does because Family Court says so, he does it because his heart is in it completely and he wants to make a difference in the life of the children that he's responsible for. Being a father doesn't start or stop with monetary support. He supports his children morally, mentally, and in any other way that he can. he's there in some capacity each time that he's needed to be, and can be depended upon no matter what arises. He's that kind shoulder to lean on, and that stern and heavy hand when you've done wrong.
A father would never stand for being called a baby's daddy. There are far too many males in this world that accept that terms as normal. It doesn't matter if you're a young man, an old man, or in between, you need to stand up and claim your true title. Especially the young ones that have so much negative influence around them. It's time to step up and be the man that your daddies may not have been. Give your child a reason to be proud of who helped bring them into this world or who was their guide in this life. be a positive role model to those that look up to you as a father figure. Take that child under your wing and help them grow to be the men and women that others look up to and allow them to proudly proclaim, "My father taught me that!!!" Don't allow whoever is surrounding you influence you in ways that may be detrimental to your seeds. Don't be what society expects you to be simply because it's considered the norm. Go against the grain and regain your individuality. You don't have to be perfect, just be there enough to show that you want to be there. Try to always be and stand for and accomplish more than what anyone including yourself thought you could ever be. Give the real people, your true supporters, your loved ones, a valid reason to look at you and say...
Happy Father's Day!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Summer Is Almost Here!!!

I know it's already hot outside and the flip flops and sandals, short shorts and skirts have already come out but there's still a few more weeks before summer is official. Summer is my favorite season because it's gives more freedom in a sense than the other three season do. You have cookouts, swimming pools, trips to the park, the beach. There are so many more activities that you can do during those few months. The only real bad thing is the heat but, you can always find ways to cool off, which adds to your list of activities. I can't wait to go on vacation next month, not because I'm going somewhere but because it will be seven wonder-filled days away from work. If y'all get out and have some fun this summer, make sure you be careful and watch out for others just as much as you watch out for yourself. Y'all be blessed.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tyson's daughter dies after accident, police say -

(CNN) -- The 4-year-old daughter of boxing legend Mike Tyson died Tuesday, a day after she was injured in a treadmill accident at her home, police in Phoenix, Arizona, said.

Former world boxing champion Mike Tyson traveled from Las Vegas to Phoenix to be at his daughter's bedside.

Former world boxing champion Mike Tyson traveled from Las Vegas to Phoenix to be at his daughter's bedside.

Exodus Tyson was prounounced dead at 11:45 a.m. local time Tuesday, said Sgt. Andy Hill, a Phoenix police spokesman. He gave no other details.

The girl was found by her 7-year-old brother on a treadmill in the Phoenix home Monday "with her neck on ... a cable" attached to the machine, police said in an earlier statement.

The mother "took her daughter off the cable" and called authorities, and Exodus was taken to a hospital, according to police.

Former world heavyweight champion Tyson traveled from Las Vegas, Nevada, to Phoenix where his daughter was on life support in critical condition on Monday, police said. Video Neighbors react to news »

The 42-year-old Brooklyn-born Tyson became the youngest world heavyweight champion in history when he lifted the World Boxing Council title aged 20.


Tyson also won the WBA and IBF versions of the crown during a career that was littered with controversy including disqualification for biting Evander Holyfield's ear during a 1997 title rematch.

He retired from the sport in 2005, but was back in the news this month with the U.S. release of the film "Tyson," a documentary that premiered at the Cannes Film Festival last year.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Upstart Poetry Magazine(Print) Seeking Submissions

Attention Upstate South Carolina. Don Savant and Krystal Klear Printing are teaming up to bring you a new magazine that will be designed to showcase some the area's poets and writers. We are currently seeking poetry submissions for the magazine's inaugural issue. We ask that you submit your original work in any genre along with a brief bio that will let our readers know a little bit about you and your writing. Submit your writing as a word document in Times New Roman 12 pt. Font. We will need your name, your pen name if applicable, address, contact numbers and e-mail address on a page in word separate from your bio and submission. Please Title your work. If the work is untitled, please let it be known. We look forward to working with the many known and unknown talents of Upstate, SC.

Please submit your work and any questions you may have by June 1st, 2009 to

Friday, April 24, 2009

Just Venting..

I just had to vent somewhere about this situation that I've encountered with a so-called book reviewer. I promised myself I wasn't going to get upset or say anything directly to the person but, tell me if you think this is as messed up as I do.

I checked my e-mail, it's probably been about a month said, so and so wants to be friends. SO I check my myspace page, and there's a friend request from so and so introducing himself and what he does and blah basically he's a book reviewer, and I'm like great..I need book, After reading his intro and him saying please add me especially if you feel you could use my services, I say cool..and i add him.

A few days later, I send him a messsage that basically says hello, i'm Don Savant, I have a book of poetry that I'd like you to review, and I wanted to know the fee for your services and the way in which you do what you do...

I waited a few days for and reply and when I got it, it was this...

"Got too many to do right now..."

That's it...I never responded because if I had, he more than likely would have removed himself from my friends list. I just thought that it was unprofessional of him to add me, tell me what he does, offer his services then come with, got too many to do right now. That's like someone coming to you saying, hey man, i wanted to see if I could borrow 50 bucks from you, my light bill is due tomorrow and i don't have it all. Then the friend says yeah, you can borrow it, and he goes to his house to get it and he says ahhh, don't have it right now.


Maybe it's just me..but I mean, he could have said, hey, I'm tied up at the moment but get back with me at this time and I'll see if I can get around...I mean,....ah well..I'm done venting...

speak on it y'all.

Y'all be blessed.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

When Will It End?

When Will It End?
Ladies and gentlemen, I don't normally do race pieces or rants but, I think it's time for some things to see the light of day and be discussed. This is long overdue and if you read this, and feel like I'm talking to you, then listen very carefully and please apply it to your miserable life.
I've come to a realization since the latter portion of last year. I now know, why I could never be a republican. Before anyone gets offended, allow me to explain and know that, I'm not speaking for the entire party when I say this. I mean, when I voted, I didn't go straight Democrat so that in itself shows that I do believe that there are some good republicans in this world. As a matter of fact, this isn't really about the politicians, but the people that support them.
I'm an African American male and, I believe that I have a sense of humor far greater than most people. However, jokes that are directed towards myself and my race just for the sake of being ignorant to me is not humorous in any way. When will people let go of this racial mentality? Even the so called Christians walk around sneering at us and why? Because we are a different shade? The way I feel about it is, if we weren't wanted here then we should have been left where we were. None of us asked to come here. I guarantee you though that if it weren't for us, none of the things everyone takes for granted on a daily basis wouldn't exist. I know that's a strong statement but it holds true. Where would this world, especially the United States be without black people? Think about that.
Back on topic. Ever since Barack Obama won the Democratic party nomination I've personally experienced a level of racism that I've never before encountered. I live in the south, South Carolina to be exact. My state voted overwhelmingly for John McCain. Why? Because this state is full of "good old boys" that can't let go of the past. Most of the older people here still believe that slavery should be legal. You can see it in their eyes and in their mannerisms. This mentality has been passed down through generations of their families. Now you have a bunch of mud slinging, Confederate Flag toting' wannabe "Massas" running around here thinking they own the world. Now I'll be the first to admit that, as a race, some of us are a tad uncultured. That's because we struggled for so long that we're not used to having anything so, when we do get something, we normally don't know what to do with it, which would explain all the old Caprices, Crown Victoria's, etc riding around here with wheels on them looking like they belong on a tractor trailer. I'm not saying that we should all walk around with briefcases in suits and ties but we could do a little better by making wiser decisions financially. We aren't taught how to do that though, which is one of the biggest differences in the races. We try our best to keep each other down while Caucasians try their best to look out for each other with financial tips. My question is though, why aren't there more individuals, black white or other trying to assist each other and help one another become prosperous? I believe it's because deep down inside, we're still not wanted here.
Ever since the election, there have been racist whispers in the winds on the state. So many undertones in daily conversations. I'll give examples. My current job is selling electronics. That means I have to talk to a lot of people every day. Some I get along with very well, and others, well, anyone in a customer service based field knows what I mean. Occasionally, I encounter people that just want to come through and talk. Lately, those random conversations have taken a turn for the worse. I get things like, "you think your brother can really fix the economy?" My brother? Last time I checked, my brother lived in Atlanta, GA attending art school. So I say, what do you mean? To that I get the elbow in the side and the snicker..."you know your brother, you voted for him didn't you?" Then they walk off laughing as if they just made the best joke ever. Here's another example: I was walking through my department and I saw a guy staring at one of our Sony LCD Televisions. The man was darn near drooling so I approached him. I said to him, would you like me to load one of those up for you? His word for word response was, "Yeah, go ahead and load it up, we'll let Obama pay for it. Since he's supposed to be passing out all this stimulus money and cutting taxes for those of us that make under $250,000 a year and oh yeah, tax cuts, that is unless you buy gas or groceries or cigarettes or anything else. They won't call it taxes, they'll call it fees." Sir, I didn't ask you all that. I simply asked you if you were interested in buying a television. If you were not interested, a simple no, not at this time would have been sufficient
Comments like that make me realize exactly how far we have yet to go for equality in this world. That change needs to start internally by removing ourselves from the stereotypes that plague us as a people. We need to fight harder to have, secure, and keep our rights. It's already been said that Black History Month may be abolished. First they give us the shortest month of the year, and now they want to take it away completely. I do agree that our history should not just be taught in that time period but I also know that it won't be taught otherwise, especially if there's no reason to do so. That month raises awareness and keeps us in the know about people that school will never include in regular textbooks. Even big named papers like the N. Y. Times has individuals on its staff exhibiting that same childish behavior towards our new President. Presidents have been ridiculed before so that's nothing new, I mean, look at whom we just got rid of. The thing is though, you can make jokes about people without making it racial. The bottom line is, we're all here, the best thing we can do is get along, the worst things we can do is what we've been doing for the last 200 plus years. Wake up people. It's time.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Stand Up!!!!!!!

How many of you are leaders? Who feels that they were naturally born to lead? I'm talking about real leaders, not someone doing dumb stuff and have dunb friends doing the same thing just because you're doing it. I mean the type of leaders that when others see what you're doing it makes them want to either go out and do the same or fix their own situations so that they can get things in order as well.

How many of you are trendsetters and not trend followers. Do you go against the grain or just take things as they are? Do we have any potential Dr. Martin Luther King's here? I think that more of us need to stand up and be leaders than to lay down and watch others do so. We need to step up our intelligence and be something besides haters and addicts. Stand up and get your self respect back because somewhere down the line we lost it. If we continue to let it go we'll lose it forever. We've got to stop being a part of the problem through our excuses and start being a part of the solution by acting. We've got to get out of the get high and get laid mentality and adopt one that will motivate us to motivate others to get up get out and make something of ourselves. We are our future, and if we can't look in the mirror each day and see the potential for greatness then we'll never amount to anything as a whole. It's time for us to stop tearing each other down and start building each other up. What happened to us? When did we lose sight or glory? When did we stop caring about ourselves? When did we stop wanting more by accepting less?

Who's ready to change that? It all starts with self.

This has been a Don Savant Public Announcement

Thursday, January 1, 2009

My Dream.....

My Dream

i dream
a day of peace...
a day of
no worries and
no suffering
a day of
every heart mind and soul
throughout the land
that mother earth holds dear
i pray
for just one day...
no one is hungry and
no one
is broke...
a day when
no baby cries and
no one mourns
the passing of a loved one
I wish
for a day with no crime...
for a day
black and white
doesn't exist and
every nationality
embraces each other as
brother and sister and...
every religion
stops claiming that
theirs is the best and
that there's only one God
that we all serve and
no matter
how you translate His word...
it's still...
His word
I hope
that for one day
this world
can embrace itself and
put its differences in the past...
move forward yet...
still remember
how far it has come
to get to where it needs to go
just one day
the streets are clear
homelessness doesn't exist and
was yesterdays news
i want to see that
every one is smiling and
no one is violent or
short tempered...
i want
a day of
to remind us all of
how good life could be
if we would realize
that we all
share one common goal
and we will achieve it by
holding each other's hand and
walking each other through
rather than
tripping each other up and
stabbing each other in the back with
for whatever reason we've
given ourselves to
justify our ignorant ways
if we
reach out to one and
another then
we could all learn
and comprehend
the real definition
of life's true purpose
one day...

© 2009